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Who are the biggest Canadian gold producers in Africa?

Minière Africaine has compiled the annual reports of Canadian mining companies active in gold production in Africa. Total production by Canadian mining companies in Africa reached around 3.9 million ounces in 2023. Out of a global production of 121 million ounces in 2023, Canadian production in Africa therefore accounts for just over 3% of the total. Here's a list of the biggest Canadian producers of African gold:

Barrick Gold: a Canadian gold giant

Unsurprisingly, it's Barrick Gold, headed by South African Mark Bristow, that tops the list. With the Loulo-Gounkoto mine in Mali, the Canadian company produces over 547,000 ounces of gold a year, or 14% of total Canadian production in Africa. Although its Kibali mine in the DRC produces more than the mine in Mali, Barrick Gold holds 80% of the latter's production, while the Canadian company shares Kibali's production with its South African colleague AngloGold Ashanti, each holding 45% of the assets. Barrick Gold's African production accounts for around 1/3 of its total gold output, with operations in Côte d'Ivoire, DRC and Tanzania.

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